A Really Big Dill

With pre-fab steel, you too could have a backyard Pickleball court

 Back in the fall of 2022, Natasha Larock caught the Pickleball bug. “I first tried it a couple of years ago, and I was immediately hooked,” she says.  “She’s totally obsessed,” husband Gordon laughs.  Like many, Natasha was attracted to the nature of the sport: a hybrid of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong whose popularity is sweeping across North America. Using a wi…

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Rink of Dreams

The Alaine Chartrand Arena is a small town’s home of hopes and aspirations

Sixteen-year-old David Sinclair doesn’t mince words when he talks about the old ice rink in Prescott, Ontario. “It sucked,” he says. The ice was too small, the changing rooms could barely fit a full bantam hockey team, and, oh yeah, an ammonia leak in the refrigeration lines suddenly and permanently closed the arena in 2018. That left the local hockey league and Prescott Skating Club scra…

Electric Feel

Dofasco’s Electric Arc Furnace is the key to ArcelorMittal’s XCarb® product offering and decarbonization goals

In 2020, the Canadian Steel Producers Association announced a new vision of the future of steelmaking. It was ambitious: to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050. To do so would require a reimagining of the entire steelmaking process, from raw material acquisition to the furnaces themselves. Even still, it’s an essential target to hit. The global steel manufacturing industry accounts for 7-…

Back to School

UTSC’s Harmony Commons is a stride forward for campus sustainability and architecture

Opened in 2023, Harmony Commons is the newest expansion to the University of Toronto Scarborough’s campus. The new residence offers more than beds for 746 first-year students and resident advisors, but also includes a servery, an expansive dining hall, and administrative offices. The project also marks a definite shift in campus architecture. It’s an investment that the university wants to …

Why the Long Face?

Jaws drop in amazement at the new Theatre at Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto

When the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation took ownership of the Woodbine Casino – attached to Toronto’s most-established horse racing track – they came with a new vision of building an entertainment mecca close to North America’s fourth largest city. Taking inspiration from successful Vegas complexes, the new Great Canadian Casino Resort Toronto is not just a casino: it’s also two ho…

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Inside Steligence®…

It was a Tuesday morning at the Canadian Steel Conference, and most of the …

Prefabricated Light …

Interbuild’s pre-fabricated steel wall panels, together with a faster con…

Steel Receipts…

The day I spoke to Stan Lipkowski, Principal Projects Manager – Sustainab…

Home Steel Home…

Steel is the go-to material for industrial and commercial construction. But…

Community boasts net…

Grow Community is a development that appeals to individuals and families lo…

Go Figure…

For cities and communities across the globe, the centre of public life isn&…

Big build on the pra…

At the southern edge of Alberta, the prairie fields stretch as far as the e…

Great Big See…

At the turn of the 19th century, Donald ‘Og’ MacNeil and three …

Weathering reflectio…

Go for a walk around Sudbury, and you’ll find traces of both the region&#…

It’s What’s on t…

Tim Verhey has a problem with Steel Design Magazine. “You write too much …

Building better with…

On the shore of a northern Canadian lake, the need to respect the natural w…

Solving the Canadian…

Cities are economic engines. They have the greatest concentrations of compa…


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Growing Green…

Which would you rather have: 55 city blocks, or an orchard that can grow 22…

Solving the Canadian…

Cities are economic engines. They have the greatest concentrations of compa…

Achieving net zero e…

Awareness is growing of sustainable building technologies and the need to r…

The Guiding Science …

Using scientific analysis to guide construction Mid-rise residential buildi…

Steligence®: The In…

In the case study presented here, a mid-rise office building in the GTA are…

Real Steel Cost Adva…

There is evidence in the field and through third-party case studies and com…

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Public Spaces

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Great Big See…

At the turn of the 19th century, Donald ‘Og’ MacNeil and three …

Go Figure…

For cities and communities across the globe, the centre of public life isn&…

Building peak perfor…

In August, 5,000 athletes, coaches and support staff journeyed to Niagara f…

Thinking outside the…

“It’s just a box,” says architect Tyler Walker. However, Walker’s d…

Celebrating culture …

For people of the Alexis Nakota Sioux Nation, a new junior-senior high scho…

Weathering reflectio…

Go for a walk around Sudbury, and you’ll find traces of both the region&#…

The alchemy of water…

Beloeil, Quebec, southwest of Montreal, is tucked between Mont Saint-Hilair…

Airport upgrade cele…

The Brandon Municipal Airport needed a major upgrade. First constructed in …

The Centre Sportif M…

The volumetry of this complex suggests a jagged-shaped glacier, a fragmente…

Steel plays a signif…

Through careful budget planning, interior improvements were made to the exi…

AZM150 Galvalume® S…

The station, a two-and-a-half storey brick and stone building, is valued fo…

Pre-painted Galvaniz…

The Fox Lake Cree Nation School is located in the town of Gillam, a semi-ru…


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A Really Big Dill…

 Back in the fall of 2022, Natasha Larock caught the Pickleball bug. …

Rink of Dreams…

Sixteen-year-old David Sinclair doesn’t mince words when he talks about t…

Electric Feel…

In 2020, the Canadian Steel Producers Association announced a new vision of…

Back to School…

Opened in 2023, Harmony Commons is the newest expansion to the University o…

Why the Long Face?…

When the Great Canadian Gaming Corporation took ownership of the Woodbine C…

This is the Future o…

Today’s architects and engineers are faced with a growing problem. In an …

Weathering Heights…

Ask a Maritimer, and they will tell you a million stories about the weather…

Living Life to the S…

Three years ago, Lorraine Stephanyshyn was craving change. Faced with the d…

Life in Technicolour…

Way back in 1939, the world was amazed by the Wizard of Oz. Dorothy, picked…

Steel Receipts…

The day I spoke to Stan Lipkowski, Principal Projects Manager – Sustainab…

Growing Green…

Which would you rather have: 55 city blocks, or an orchard that can grow 22…

Building better with…

On the shore of a northern Canadian lake, the need to respect the natural w…